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The Best Way to Stay Healthy is to
Forgive, Forget and Move Forward
Stay tuned to this blog for the latest updates. You never know when she may release a new book! You can also reach out to her if you have questions or comments. She has her own exclusive blog that you can find here. She loves to post about her daily life, as well as the things that inspire her to write. Her blog is a great insight into the mind of a published author.
The Blog of D.J. Posner
A Daily Read of the Freshest and Most Inspiring Topics All Drizzled with a Little Humor

Have you thought of starting over? Starting from scratch? Starting from nothing? Starting again? There is no ‘end’ meaning to those words, just new beginnings. Or have you ever just known it was time to start something new? To trust in the magic of beginning with a new script? Perhaps, in beginning again you have

I am a forward thinking person, I keep my eye on the future and try never to dwell or revisit what is past. Simply put, reverse is not an option for me, yet given the news delivered each morning now a days, I want to backpedal as fast as I can. During this time where

We are all in agreement, I believe, that the world has changed. Has this time in our lives been set aside to restore hope, faith and compassion to the world at large? The approaching autumnal equinox is a season, which can be found in all the world’s calendars, that supports and advocates the finishing of one process

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