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The Best Way to Stay Healthy is to
Forgive, Forget and Move Forward
Stay tuned to this blog for the latest updates. You never know when she may release a new book! You can also reach out to her if you have questions or comments. She has her own exclusive blog that you can find here. She loves to post about her daily life, as well as the things that inspire her to write. Her blog is a great insight into the mind of a published author.
The Blog of D.J. Posner
A Daily Read of the Freshest and Most Inspiring Topics All Drizzled with a Little Humor

What if…?
Our living conditions continue to change each and every day. My morning hours, usually set aside to gain insight, instead are filled with new recommendations. It’s mind-boggling. This whole new rhythm has me in deep thought… What if this new world rhythm is coming to us to serve in a different way? What if we

Hope’s Audacity
High above in the treetops, this Great Blue Heron sits watching the sea – his stance is the epitome of Hope. Nature’s creatures are all spurned on by hope. It is one of the attributes that all of us earth inhabitants share and share well. By all definitions, hope is the feeling of expectation for

Unearthing Happiness
I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness and exactly how you go about finding it. I think there is a need for more happiness in the world. There are already so many struggles we go through on the highway of life, is finding happiness just another thing to grapple with or is it already there

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