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The Best Way to Stay Healthy is to
Forgive, Forget and Move Forward
Stay tuned to this blog for the latest updates. You never know when she may release a new book! You can also reach out to her if you have questions or comments. She has her own exclusive blog that you can find here. She loves to post about her daily life, as well as the things that inspire her to write. Her blog is a great insight into the mind of a published author.
The Blog of D.J. Posner
A Daily Read of the Freshest and Most Inspiring Topics All Drizzled with a Little Humor

Faith Hope and Compassion
Is this global stop to our hurried activities God’s love letter to the world? Perhaps, it is His letter of instruction to all of us to return our spirits to a place of being teachable. The life-track that the world was on leading up to this pandemic seems even more divisive now that we are

New Meaning of Gather
Gathering is an ideology I used to practice so this world dictum of social distancing seems to me like such a foreign concept. Times have changed dramatically as you all know, and without the connection of my friends and family to warm me I find myself sometimes foundering. I long for rendezvous’ like I embraced

Because I Believe
I believe in angels, I believe in decency, I believe in the healing powers of love and I, too, believe in the destruction that comes from neglect. We are in an upside-down world that is unprecedented. No one seems to know what precisely to believe. From what I have been reading, most people are trying

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