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The Best Way to Stay Healthy is to
Forgive, Forget and Move Forward
Stay tuned to this blog for the latest updates. You never know when she may release a new book! You can also reach out to her if you have questions or comments. She has her own exclusive blog that you can find here. She loves to post about her daily life, as well as the things that inspire her to write. Her blog is a great insight into the mind of a published author.
The Blog of D.J. Posner
A Daily Read of the Freshest and Most Inspiring Topics All Drizzled with a Little Humor

New Meaning of Gather
Gathering is an ideology I used to subscribe to, so the order of maintaining social distance seems like such a foreign concept to me. Sister Golden Hair is expected to arrive on the island with her brood later this week. And wherein they will stay in a rental nearby, the event of their arrival will

How To Find Happiness
It is really quite simple. The idea that happiness is elusive or just beyond our grasp is flawed. Anyone can become happy no matter their circumstance. The secret is called gift giving. Do you know how you feel when you’ve done something nice for someone and they show immense gratitude? You are tickled right down

Let America Be America
“Let America be America again, Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain, Seeking a home where he himself is free.” This wonderful excerpt from Langston Hughes’ poem is profound in its extraction from the whole and applies to the direction of today’s newly ordered society.

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