I want to leave this world with the assurance that I have left nothing unsaid. When I go forward I want the people I have walked with to be assured they know everything there was to know. I do not wish to have questions remaining when there is time in these days to answer them.
I guess that is why I have so much to say now. My introspective spirit allowing me the time I have needed thus far to contemplate and resonate.
I hope to speak all the words needed to convey my quest for bettering humanity in myself, and perhaps inspiring it in others. I have a heart full of hope that needs planting and spreading. To those of you who are near me – I wish the audible to reach your ear; and to those of you far – the written word to reach your heart.
When I say ‘I love …’, I do so freely and sincerely. I do not want to reserve those words for only special occasions. I speak to the trees and the magnificent sunsets, I love you and thank you. And to my friends, who encourage my journey, I speak ‘I love you’ in thanks ~ for it is much harder to receive love than to give love. I do not want to leave you with words unspoken or words unheard.
“The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.” ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe