feast, meal, dinner-1007221.jpg


Gathering is an ideology that I have always subscribed to even though I am, by nature, a committed introvert who seeks quiet most often.  But the coming together of family and friends, to me, is essential to my soul, too.  I find an assembly, fueled by fresh thoughts and ideas, and time spent with youngsters who will inherit the earth from us, is a propelling objective.

The ‘flocking together’ of dear souls with different perspectives where we share meals and eat like the old-world Italians, gathering around long tables and feasting on the sumptuous food that comes out of the cucina, is something I always long for especially when I have spent many hours in quiet solitude. 

I have always thought these feelings of mine as a dichotomy.  But in truth, in the dim quiet days I hear a strong, beautiful voice that speaks to me and encourages a ‘life blueprint’ where I expand my self-brooding nature by welcoming in an infusion of warm bodies with warm hearts.  And from those rendezvous’, I am soothed, fortified and transformed into a sponge that soaks in every drop of benevolence offered.

I have been radio-silent for a couple of weeks having traveled up north to visit those dear family and friends I left behind so many years ago when I followed my dream to reside in Florida.  To say the visit was gratifying is too simply put.  It was as necessary and fulfilling as any nutrient one could ingest.  So, if you are in a position of being detached or alone, perhaps you can find that inner voice that propels you to reach out and open your heart.  Look to share a table ladened with a simple meal or seek to share a cup of coffee or tea with another.  The beauty that can be found in the sharing of time will certainly expand your prayers of gratitude when you return to your sacred quiet space.  Remember, all of our thoughts are prayers.  Act on your thoughts – give love and receive love especially at this curious and strange time.  It is the best one can do.

And remember – Only Count the Happy Hours!

1 thought on “GATHER AROUND”

  1. Well,
    I do agree with you on the sharing of time with others. It’s the reason I spend time in stillness, silence and solitude. I find in the experience a “cleaving” within me that removes anything that might surface when I am in the company of others and cause harm. It also permits me to more carefully choose my words by better and deeper listening to others so I can see through the words and discern what’s behind them, lest I errantly use words that connotate any sense of superiority. Using the proper words can show that I understand them based on my own previous, or current, perceptions of experiences I have had or am experiencing. Anyway namaste’. Incidentally, I’ve been using the email address shown for over 9 years.

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