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I am seeking to learn and institute new vocabulary words into my everyday practice. Here are some words and actions that I hope to adopt and embrace to improve myself. I hope my list inspires you to develop a list of your own words!

Dauntless. I want to show fearlessness and determination in all undertakings I am entrusted with; I want to dig deeper and embrace my inner courage.

Vanquish. I am of the mindset that I can thoroughly defeat any fears or doubts I may have. I want to be battle-ready in order to overcome any problem or weakness I may face.

Gumption. If I hear a resounding “No” let every fiber of my being shout back to that voice “Yes”. I want to maintain a shrewd and spirited initiative and encourage myself to reach back with nerve and resourcefulness.

Audacity. I want to be one of great courage and daring and face whatever challenges, however big or small, with a loud tapping toe. I want to be willing to take bold risks and enjoy the thrills that come from this new mental attitude.

Rectitude. I aspire to be straight in my reasoning and align my behavior accordingly. I hope to hold firm in my beliefs, and thereby, hold myself accountable. May any righteousness I show not be born out of judgement of others but only applied to keep myself accountable.

I believe that by adding these new vocabulary words to my inner-dialogue and applying their virtues to my daily life that I will be successful in jump-starting a healthier mind and body.

People get ready… the self-improvement train has arrived at the station. Who is ready to climb on with me?  …All aboard!

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