It’s unusual for my beauty, Pearl Bailey, to forego her two-meals a day, or have a waning interest in treats and even turn down a little extra “somethin’ somethin’ ”.  It’s clear she doesn’t feel good.  Just last week, she was at her favorite Superhero vet for a follow-up to an ear infection (oh those floppy-eared dogs!)  Doc called this morning and said, “Hold off on the antibiotic for three days and let’s see how her stomach does before we re-introduce a lesser dose.”   Even though this antibiotic is a normally well-tolerated drug, Pearl Bailey is not having any parts of it!

Pearl Bailey holds my heart in her paws!  Our relationship is such that I converse with her all day long, which means I am in tune to the responses she gives off.  Her eyes tell me everything I need to know and there is an understanding that passes between us that does not need to be articulated with words.  When she sidled up to me today with a slow gait, head hung slightly, I asked her, “Are you out of shenanigans today?  Just feeling a little upset?” to which she responded by laying her head in my lap.  I know, Pearl Bailey, I know.

This unspoken language we have is soul fulfilling.  Truth-be-told, I have had it with every one of my canine best friends, it has gotten me through many tribulations along my journey thus far.  I do believe, however, that the most recent canine in one’s life, is the best one – or as I like to say, the best one so far ~ for I know there will always be another as their lifespan and our lifespan, for the most part, differ greatly.

I have prepared a roasted sweet potato and plain white rice for her and tonight we will see if she has any interest.  After dinner, we will have another one of our silent conversations and see if we can get our favorite gal back to feeling like her old self again!  I will speak to her about future adventures I have in mind and tell her about the warren of bunnies I fed in the front yard out of her purview.  I hope she will gaze up at me with those warm golden eyes as I verbally express myself, and provide me with one of those silent acknowledgments, she is so good at gifting me.

My dog, Pearl Bailey is my heart and my soul; my love for her transcends this earthly plane – we dance together.  Yes, we dance!

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