There are just some stories that begged to be told over and over again. This adventure with Pearl Bailey falls into that category.

As the afternoon was giving way to evening, Pearl Bailey and Ella were down in their Shangri-La. I joined them in the yard sitting on a bench under the palms enjoying the peace and quiet. The dogs were most interested in the squirrel du soleil going on up in the live oaks. There were three young squirrels racing up and down the limbs squawking at each other. Pearl Bailey was sprinting intently from tree-to-tree and deep in contemplation, even Ella got into a sentry position. After about ten minutes of this circus performance of dancing dogs and flying mammals, I was just about set to go indoors when all of a sudden one of the squirrels fell down off a limb, dropped onto my lap and bounced off in a tizzy all the while Pearl Bailey came barreling after it, hit the back of the bench flipping it over, me landing ass over tea kettle.

Flabbergasted, I quickly collected myself not wanting to participate any further in the games and as I got up and shook the dirt off myself, here comes Ella who pounced on the back of my knees and knocks me back down onto the ground face first. “Holy Guacamole”, I bellowed, a cry that could be heard all the way down the island.

Now folks, if having your face covered in mud isn’t mortifying enough, having this kind of mishap occur when you are wearing white pants is!

P.S. No animals were harmed in the telling of this story.

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