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I was born to do angel work. I am not sure with all the human flaws I possess why I was chosen for this work, but I was. And, this is not something new that I have come upon, my mother told me I was like that from the minute I could relate to others. She often told me it was a difficult task parenting a child who gave everything away without a second thought. She said that when she and my father would give me toys they would disappear within days of the gifting. “Where is your new toy?”, they would implore. My response was always the same, “Little Johnny didn’t have one so I gave it to him!” After a while, it became common place and was accepted.

As I matured, angels started to appear to me. They were apparently pleased with my solo work and were anxious to provide assistance and further guidance. Well, let me tell you – these angel gals are hilarious. There are two of them; they both possess a sense of mirth and certainly keep me on my toes. Wherein there are hundreds of examples I can offer, the most recent occurrence really had me chuckling.

I have a friend who is as independent as they come. She never lets much grass grow under her feet. She recently changed residences and undertook much of the move herself. That being said, the wheel well of her car where her spare tire was located was prime space for stashing smaller items, so she had temporarily removed the tire while going through the move process. Shortly after she was settled in her new abode, she received a call from her daughter pleading with her to come as she had contracted the flu and needed help tending to her two small children. Being the free spirit that my friend is, she jumped in the car and headed out to her daughter’s home in a rural part of the State without second thought. After a week’s time had passed and her daughter recovered, my friend set off to return back to her new home. Halfway through the return trip she got a flat tire! There she was on the side of the road, with only a quarter tank of gas, and very sporadic cell phone service plus night was beginning to fall. And yes, if you are wondering at this point if she had returned the spare tire to its designated spot in the trunk, the answer would be “No, she had not!” What a predicament!

That night, I received a text message from her with a frantic tone. She described her situation and asked me if I could ‘send my angels’, so, of course, I availed upon my girls to send relief. This is a natural response from me, if you are in need of help (failing health, matters of the heart, struggles with finances?) I call out and dispatch my angels to remedy the situation, and they never disappoint. Well, on this particular assignment they delivered alright but with quirks that could only be labeled as “peculiar”.

These angels of mine swiftly addressed the situation and within hours solved the problem. As my friend sat on the shoulder of the little-traveled country road for hours, in the inky-dark of night with nary a car or farm truck passing, a single car’s headlights broke the horizon heading in her direction. Slowly the car approached and as it reached her vehicle stopped and pulled over. Inside the car was an older woman with a kind face who inquired if she could help. My friend explained her situation and within a minute this tiny woman got out of her car, flipped opened her trunk and muscled out the trunk her spare tire and rolled it up beside my friend’s disabled car. “Here”, she said gingerly, “take my tire it will work because I am driving the same year, make and model as your car!” My friend was dumbfounded she later told me ‘How could this be?’ Honestly, upon hearing her recount the story, my only thought was to those two angels whose involvement had delivered such a successful response…yet did so in such a quirky manner!

Wherein you might not truly get the impact of this abnormality, to me it is the most playful and vociferous response I could imagine. I mean, there are no coincidences in this life, there just aren’t!

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