Your mother is your voice of reason; the mirror of your soul; your true north.

I am a kitchen dweller, and I come from a long line of such women. My golden-haired sister inherited the same trait. I find all types of goodness in the hallowed walls of my kitchen sanctuary. I find that cooking good food for folks is a loving and worthwhile gesture. There is something very intrinsic in the process of preparing food to serve to a guest. I think the loveliest thing you can do is to cook for someone, it is about a nice a valentine as you can give.
Cooking is one of the strongest ceremonies in life. It is all about creating emotion. Recipes are often handed down generation-to-generation. When you cook ‘with love’, the food just tastes better. It is meditative! My mother was a woman of such heart. In her cooking, Love was her secret ingredient. From her apron strings, I learned that the joy is not in cooking for oneself, but in cooking for others.
“There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves.” – Tom Wolfe