We need more dreamers in the world! People who dream possess a mind that knows no limits. They imagine the seemingly impossible, even when they are wondering about ordinary things.
I’ve been accused of having my head in the clouds on more than one occasion. I take that as a huge compliment; I like being thought of as a deep thinker. People with this perspective believe they can achieve anything that is possible. And, that is a beautiful mindset.
It is said that your dreams connect you to your inner self. When you are anchored in this way, one can be propelled to follow his true calling. Seeking out one’s purpose in life is always downright fulfilling to the soul. But, in order to be able to achieve this, one must maintain a strong belief in themselves.
Today, I unplugged at the end of the day. No electronic stimulation whatsoever. I found my way to a winding narrow island road that skirted the Gulf of Mexico where I sat on a rock and watched the sun fall and gave thanks for the day. Since my devotion was great, I was rewarded with a magnificent mango sunset.
It was glorious end to the day.