Meet Simba, London, Whisper, Legion, Rocket, Ziva and Isabella. These beauties are from Therapy K9s of Southwest Florida, and all hold the distinctive jobs of performing therapy work in health and education communities in southwest Florida. Their purpose on this earth is to deliver joy and impart unconditional love.
This week they really got in the spirit. Together with their handlers, these guys dressed as Pilgrims and perched up on chairs around a table for Thanksgiving dinner. I know you are thinking (as did I) ‘Eeeeh gad, is that a real turkey inches from six chow hounds?’ But no, the turkey is plastic, although these lovelies did get plenty of praise and treats for their participation in the photo shoot!

While the picture may not be as famous as the “Dogs Around the Poker Table” shot, I’ll just bet the message it delivers sends it over the top. These fellows are illustrating what it is to deliver ‘calm joy’. I hope this is one illustration you’re not soon to forget!
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!