Angel of Hope Statue – Chanhassan, Minnesota
It is hard to define the meaning of Hope. It is elusive, and an action with little reason or justification.
We have all known the feeling of hope – we wish for it many times in life. We wish the newlyweds hope for a happy life. We bless a newborn with our hopes for good health as they grow. We wish hope for ourselves when we face change or difficulty.
Hope, to me, is born out of the promise one holds in their heart. When there is nothing concrete to rely on, it is our inner voice that prompts us to trust and believe in what the heart is set on. I think hope is a lovely notion, elusive as it is – it gives flight to many a dream, and when combined with devotions or prayer often times delivers realization.
The statue above is called the Angel of Hope. This statue was born out of a movement for parents grieving the loss of a child; the most unbearable loss a human can face. There are more than 150 of these statues erected in cities and remote towns across the states. Every December 6th, there is a remembrance for this angel who is said to ease the grief of these parents and help them continue to heal. Perhaps mark this day on your calendar and say a prayer for all these aching souls; it is the best we can do. A spiritual offering can do wonders. If you know someone who has suffered through this unspeakable loss, please reach out to them during the holiday season and offer a kind word. Sometimes a ‘reminisce’ or a thoughtful comment will be just what is needed to help that soul through another day. Their pain never goes away, it just becomes silent.
I dedicate this post to my friend, Nancy, the brave mother of a fallen son. This one’s for you, honey.