Today started off easy. That’s the kind of Friday I like the most, the end of the work week withdrawing with dignity as the sweet anticipation of the weekend enters my brain. Since this grace was so well presented to me, I took it as that..a gift. So, I picked up my beach chair and headed to Little Beach to give thanks for the day and the week.

While sitting and contemplating, I knew that I had done good things this week. In the hours that I worked, I had given good service and advice to my clients. I had helped someone I knew was in need by completing a pro-bono project for them. I dug in my pocket and made a small contribution to a school that opens their doors to refugee children, and I reached out to others to do the same. I have provided a listening ear to friends who needed to be heard. I have offered smiles where ever I went, and even had a few returned! I practiced patience and have been successful in remaining cheerful. I have slept well knowing these small acts of kindness have been realized.

I am sending out this message in hopes that you, too, will contemplate on your successes this week and pride yourselves on the small ways you made a difference. It is so vitally true that small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can change the world!

As you conclude your Monday through Friday responsibilities and ease into the week’s end, I wish you all fair winds and following seas!

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