I’ve been thinking a lot about living in gratitude and how it can change a person.  I recently had a test to my mantra about living a life full of appreciation and kindness.  My campaign of ‘I Can Do Better’ was put under assessment to see if it stood up under a test of time.  It did.

I had contracted with a new landscaper, a sole practitioner, just a few months back.  I sought him out because of how detailed he was in caring for my neighbor’s yard across the street.  I used to look out at their perfectly manicured yard after the landscaper had finished and sigh!   This fella’, I said to myself, is not just a ‘hit and get’ kind of guy, he is meticulous and that suits me.  Well, only two months into our engagement this contractor had to under surgery which opened up an unexpected can of worms for him.  His anticipated convalescence was nearly tripled, and as a result, my yard became unruly and unsightly, which does not suit me.   Yet, did I give up on him?  No, I can do better. 

First, I sent him encouraging text messages once a week wishing him well.  Next, I made sure the auto-payment I had set up for him each month continued.  Into the 2nd month, I sent him some baked goods and told him to keeping working hard at getting back to his life.  And last, I listened to his responses with a kind ear, never questioning his integrity or intent.  That’s a big one – and it seemingly is a trait that has been bred out of our DNA.  How often have we asked “what do I get in return?”  Certainly, that question is suitable to a contractual arrangement, but how often have we outside an agreement, even silently wondered the same query.  To lose that focus from our conscious mind, is to open ourselves up to living in gratitude.

Filling your life with gratefulness is easy once you get yourself moving on its path.  If you begin to see each thing that happens to you throughout the day as a Blessing, you are making a huge first step.  Then, if you look around and notice that of what others do for you, and show your appreciation outwardly, you are winning in this pursuit.  The happiness that follows by taking these two steps will leave you with the realization that you have everything you really need in life. 

And that’s Gratitude for ya’!

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