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“Love isn’t a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like ‘struggle’. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly as he or she was made, exactly as they are here and now.”

~ Fred Rogers

I love this wonderful quote by Fred Rogers. There lies a profound ideology within the simplicity of its message. The term ‘unconditional love’ is thrown around freely these days; the basis of its meaning is Acceptance. In other words, if you wholly love another being, do not assign expectations to them to behave in the way that you do, or react the way that you want them to react. The action of acceptance is allowing others to be themselves. By relating without any expectation, you allow another the space to grow exponentially both spiritually and emotionally. Accepting someone means you love them today, just as they are, with all of their victories and failures. 

How we get to Acceptance is by practicing letting go. By letting go of preconceived notions or expectations, we instead open up a state of mind in ourselves of anticipation. And, in the excitement of anticipation, you can eagerly wait for another’s reaction instead of expecting it to be as you wished.

So, take on the curiosity of child. Open up and explore life and the relationships you have (and will have) as if it were your first day with them, regardless of what the past has dealt you.

There is far more kindness and goodness to be had in doing so, and this divisive world certainly needs more of that!

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