Stop Stopping Yourself…

The changes that the new world has introduced has left many of us floundering. Have you been plagued with foggy, disjointed thoughts? Have you found yourself dwelling on past misgivings? Is the dialogue that is in your head stopping you from enriching your spirit and the spirit of others?

Begin today in moving yourself toward strengthening your spirit in these three areas. If your mind is playing with you and you are stuck with feelings of high-strung emotions and lack of clarity, it is time to flip the script. Stop focusing on the problem. Stop telling yourself that you are uninspired. Instead start thinking thoughts that propel you forward. Realigning your body is as simple as get moving – a change in scenery will amplify both your intentions and your energy.

Flipping the script for the spirit takes a little more effort. It is putting your mindset in a place where you can let go of what is holding you down; a place where you can listen to your heart – not your thoughts but the songs within your heart’s chamber. Declare out loud what you want to feel and put yourself in the position to reach for and achieve that desire.

When we nourish ourselves we open up our soul to make more space. And, in that space, we are enabled to do more for others. Doing more for others is the most powerful contribution we can make towards strenghtening our soul and fulfilling our purpose on this earth. It is incredible how things shift when we give ourselves time to regenerate.

“Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul.” – Walt Whitman

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