I spent some time in conversation this week with a lovely person from an older generation. This means that the gal was in her 90’s as I am racking up birthday digits more rapidly than I’d care to admit! The rich conversation with this fine woman put me in mind of the vast differences between our generations in the way we think and the way we communicate. My thoughts on this topic moved me to reflect and weight-in on how we might share knowledge and values across these chasms.
Here is a list of generations beginning with that of my friend: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen X’ers, Millennials and Gen Z’ers. These groups each possess knowledge that is of benefit to the other groups. I know I have been inspired and propelled by the values, attitudes and approaches taken by all of the groups listed. Yet, the knowledge transfer is seemingly slower the further the generations grow apart.
I have a very close friend of Asian descent. Her culture is quite different in terms of generational thinking. The way-of-life followed by her, and frankly most borne of Asian descent, is that of a hierarchy with the elders at the helm and the generations that follow taking their place as a succeeding heir. There is something to be said for this custom of linking the generations.
I think we need to find a way to better connect to each other, because as much as it is a gift to spend time with an older individual, it should be the same with a younger person. After all, isn’t there something to learn from every conversation, and isn’t our foresight borne out of such dialogue?
Learning from each other is what will bring about change in our world. Knowledge, truly is, power. And, cross-generational knowledge is the synergy that will power the change.. Try spending some time this week with a person of another generation, whether it be a teenager, a grandparent or kid. Engage them; then listen intently. You will be amazed at what you learn!
“The best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.”
~Andy Rooney