It is really quite simple. The idea that happiness is elusive or just beyond our grasp is flawed. Anyone can become happy no matter their circumstance. The secret is called gift giving.
Do you know how you feel when you’ve done something nice for someone and they show immense gratitude? You are tickled right down in the back craters of your heart. It feels good to be kind. When you are filled with goodness it is that emotion that brings you to living in the moment. And by living in the present, you leave behind your thoughts of yesterday and your expectations for tomorrow.
So, let’s take the next step. If you lived each and every day without thoughts or concerns about yourself, but instead replaced those with thoughts of “How Can I Help Someone Today?”, the load of the day will seem lighter because you are living in the present moment. And, by giving your time and effort to someone, the return reward of gratitude will be so tremendous it will put you into a state of happiness. By making it a practice to live this way, the upshot is you shed your woes and sorrows to live in the moment and you find your way to happiness from the gratitude sent your way.
The life a Tibetan monk is the perfect illustration to this concept. In Tibet, Monks live a simple and fairly peaceful life. They are dedicated to prayer and serving others and from that they find contentment and pleasure. Monks choose to not pursue comforts for themselves; even their diet is simple. Ok, that fits with the idea that by serving others you live in the moment – and by living presently your life will become simple and unfettered. Result: Comfort & Joy – or, simply put, Happiness!
So, there you have it folks, go on out there and be a ‘gift giver!’