Speaking Woman to Woman

I sometimes wonder if other women think like me. This story is about what I believe is a common flaw found in many women today.

Do you ever slip into judging your peer? I think most of us can – and do – given certain circumstances and conditions. It is in our DNA to compare our lives, our loves, and our future side by side to that of a friend. And often comparisons turn into judgement, which is unfortunate and rarely ends well. Most times, these turns are not intentional, but because we are human – it happens.

Living without judgement is about mutual respect & regard. When viewing or interacting with another woman look for mutual values, and frankly, learn to mind your own business! By not allowing any passive/aggressive exchanges to fly-off the cuff, a way will be paved in forming an attitude of trying not to change one another.

To succeed in growing this seed, find those women who are committed to your happiness; ones who offer you the encouragement to live the life you want and were meant to live. Choose the ones who do not ask you to invest your precious time in their drama.


I would like to be known as an intelligent woman, a courageous woman, a loving woman, a woman who teaches by being. — Maya Angelou

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