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oI heard a story today that struck a beautiful, resonant chord in me. It was a narrative of a mid-20’s young black man who was out on a ride.  He eventually spied an elderly white woman on her walker in sweltering 100-degree heat, a slew of grocery bags draped across the handlebars. This young man pulled his car over to the side of the road, got out and asked, “Could I offer you a ride, Ma’am?” A selfless act of kindness.

Was it the heat that made him think to stop and offer help? Did she remind him of someone special, perhaps his grandmother? Was he destined for somewhere where his arrival time was important, and did he cast that aside to be of service? Maybe all of these things, but his taking action and following his instinct to make the first move, despite any other needs he might have in place, were extraordinary acts of good heartedness.

For today’s story illustration I chose this photograph of the Professor ostensibly in counsel with our 16-year-old nephew. Their inter-generational heads deep in conversation – together young and old. The Professor has the look of excitement of seeing the world through a younger perspective, and Nephew looks as if he is taking in the scholarly wisdom being offered him. Relationships, such as these, are important to our society.

As to the end of the story of the benevolent young man with the helping hand–the elderly woman graciously accepted the ride and allowed the young man to untether her groceries and place her walker in the trunk. And then he drove her home – a distance of more than two miles.
All because he listened closely to his instinct to do good. That inclination lies within us all.

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